
Friday, October 3, 2014

Pre=Adolescent Weight Lifting

Becoming a Genius in….
Share a general topic or idea worth learning about.
Weight lifting for young kids

Why I’m curious about  
List any details about yourself that help us understand your interest in the topic
I have a 5 year old that is very into sports, mostly golf and bowling and what age should he start doing some kind of training if he wants to stay competative..

Questions worth Asking:
Spend 2minutes asking as many questions as possible about this topic/idea.  If you get stuck try improveing a question you already thought of to make it stronger, more challenging, more searchable, less obvious...etc.    

is lifting bad for young kids or good?
what kind of weight lifting routines are good for kids
what kind of routines are bad for kids
what happens physiologically when young kids work out
What kind of research exsist for young kids that work out….and how it affects them later in life?

Notes on Learning
Please include links to website where you found information
pre-mature bone fusion (epiphyseal fusion), and, as a result, irreversibly stunt growth.  What is this?

According to both the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), prepubescent children can safely engage in resistance training, with certain limitations. These bodies have issued guidelines on childhood strength training.

American College of Sports Medicine:  suitible to use weights that include the body mass as a source of resistance.  7 or 8 free weights.  Research shows that growth plate injuries do not occur when basic guidelines are followed.

Allow at least one day of rest

all muscle groups with full range of motion, 15 reps, no heavy lifting and specilized lifts

Summarize What you Discovered
write in paragraph format...5 of you will be picked to present so it should be a narrative format.

Assess your research

My Focus During Research Time

I was texting, looking around at random stuff online, etc.

Spent very little actual time on my questions.

wasted the majority of my time be distracted by one thing or the other.
I was generally researching, though not really focused on the topic.

 Mostly reading stuff, looking at pictures, videos that were not really helpful.  I was often distracted by stuff online or the web, or Messaging people.

I needed to be reminded by others (students or teachers) to focus on my work.
I was focused on my questions throughout the period.  

I persued multiple questions or found multilpe sources for complex questions.

I often recorded evidence/information from my research as I went

I occasionally got distracted though was able to refocus quickly without anyone reminding me
Focused on questions throughout the period.

I recorded new questions on the doc as they came up.

I consistently recorded evidence from my research as I went.

I had my phone away and was not distracted by it or random stuff online.

Overall letter grade below with explanation  (not just the research focus by also the quality of all parts of today’s Genius Hour,

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